Josemar Gungunhana

Designer Gráfico at Kitanda Yetu - Luanda, Luanda Province, Angola

Josemar Gungunhana's Colleagues at Kitanda Yetu
Dalmiro Costa

Gestor de redes sociais

Contact Dalmiro Costa

Palmira Henda

Operações da contabilidade

Contact Palmira Henda

Josemar Gungunhana's Contact Details
Kitanda Yetu
Josemar Gungunhana's Company Details
Kitanda Yetu logo, Kitanda Yetu contact details

Kitanda Yetu

Luanda, Luanda Province, Angola • 3 Employees

Kitanda Yetu - Comércio e Serviços, SU, Lda is a Digital Integration Start-Up orthat is, it helps to make someone or something become part of the digital world.Our purpose is to facilitate and assist our partners and consumers in the search andinnovative acquisition of products or services and our main concern is to deliverQuality, Safety, Speed and Cost / Benefit.We offer our partners and consumers solutions for buying and selling, placing thea Marketplace (Praça Online) where customers can find andbuy everything they want in Angola easily, quickly and safely. Isplatform for every type of customer and every type of seller. WhereVendors / Partners display and sell their products / services on the Internet in a mannereasy, reliable and safe without worrying about Marketing, advertising and other issuestechnical and functional.

Details about Kitanda Yetu
Frequently Asked Questions about Josemar Gungunhana
Josemar Gungunhana currently works for Kitanda Yetu.
Josemar Gungunhana's role at Kitanda Yetu is Designer Gráfico.
Josemar Gungunhana's email address is *** To view Josemar Gungunhana's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Josemar Gungunhana works in the Retail industry.
Josemar Gungunhana's colleagues at Kitanda Yetu are Dalmiro Costa, Palmira Henda and others.
Josemar Gungunhana's phone number is
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