Websays has the science to understand what the entire web says.If you represent a company, a brand, a product, a store, a hotel, a celebrity, a politician or if you are simply interested in other people's opinions, Websays is the business-intelligence tool you need. It will provide you with:DATAWebsays collects all that's being said about you in the Internet, not only in social media but also in the press, blogs, forums, websites, etc. You will never miss anything that is written about you!ANALYSISOnly you can decide what you need to know. Websays provides different types of analyses: indicators, topic clouds, charts and comparisons are now at your fingertips! Prepare yourself to gain insights that nobody else has!CONTROLOpinions, mentions, announcements, crises, complaints or compliments, you'll get real-time information on what's happening as it's happening. Now you will be able to monitor, manage and steer your online reputation.Know more about us at: www.websays.com