PREACHING at HOUSE OF DAVID - Food, Clothes, Shelter - Milford, Connecticut, United States
The House of David is located in Milford, Delaware and is a subsidiary of nonprofit, Jesus Love Evangelist Association. We have a robust, pork-free food pantry projected to serve over 1,000 individuals annually. Food boxes are given out every Thursday from 9 to 11 AM. Emergency food is available by leaving a message on our office phone. We also have a clothes closet for babies to adults. The clothes closet features a baby depot with infant and toddler essentials like baby food, wipes, pampers, car receiving blankets, and more! For shelter, we are currently giving vouchers to homeless families for temporary hotel/motel stays. Plans are in place to acquire our first property which will provide shelter for a family of 4 or less. Future plans include: expansion of clothes closet/baby depot, a shelter for men, and a shelter for women and children.