ejiro is the most hot-blood. his naturalhouse is the first house. ejiro is a veryconfident, enterprising sign. he iscourageous, quite bold and somewhatargumentative.ejiro can also beirritable, quick tempered, but usuallydoes not hold a grudge. he can berestless, sometimes intolerant andcontentious. he can be quite vocal whenhe doesn't like something.he can turnaggressive when strongly annoyed,Although he often does not consider himselfso energetic, it tends to be very activeand on-the-go, and can be quite hard-working.hecan be very stubborn in its way oflooking at things.ejiro is mostly direct,and hates keeping things inside, butsometimes may resign to this out ofnecessity (which can make him feel ill).he seeks to bring things out into the light,so that they can be dealt with properlyand effectively. ejiro often havea kind of raw authenticity to them. hetend to be rather impulsive andadventuresome, a doer more than atalker. ejiro is mostly sharp and tothe point. he tends to be all-out andstrongly marshalled when putting outeffort, however it may prefer to use amore brute force as he sometimes lackthe patience to deal with small issues. ejironatives tend to be more zestful andhumorous, and have a certainchildishness to their character. There'soften an affinity for games, and hekeep a certain youthfulness as he growup which can give them great charm.ejiro tends to be rather simpleminded,but may sometimes look at things a bittoo simplistically. he can be quick tojump to conclusions, which may oftenget the better of him. he tends to berather generous and big-hearted, andcan become very annoyed and stirred-up with what he considers as injustice(which may be rather subjective). hetends to have a soft spot for theunderdog, but in a harsh chart he cannevertheless act aggressively with itwhen irritated.