Networkmaine is a unit of the University of Maine System providing Maine's Research & Education (R&E) community with access to high-bandwidth, low-latency connectivity and complimentary services that enhance their ability to successfully deliver on their missions.Created in 2009 by a memorandum of understanding, Networkmaine operates through a coordinating council which is comprised of the University of Maine System, the Maine State Department of Education, the Maine State Library, and the Maine State Government Office of Information Technology. The Networkmaine Council provides the public entities served with greater involvement in shaping the future of Maine's research and education network, MaineREN.Networkmaine is responsible for the design and operation of MaineREN and services developed to support education, research, public service, government, and economic development.In addition to servicing higher-education and research, Networkmaine provides K-12 schools and public libraries in the state with Internet connectivity at little or no cost through the MSLN project.