BlueCode Systems is a fully Zambian owned and led software services organization that is focused on designing, building and delivering locally sustainable software applications for the health sector.We develop ready-to-deploy solutions that not only meet the functional requirements but can also fit a sustainable cost and government ownership model. We have strong relationships with government and other partners which we leverage on, to build strong technical working groups, support systems and champion users who provide us with continuous feedback from the requirements stage through to development and delivery.Being local, we excel at understanding the region's context and needs which we deliver on through the building of offline-first, user friendly and resilient but flexible systems that require next to zero daily technical management. Further, we have built relationships with local technical service providers such as the Zambia National Data Center, Mobile Service providers and others through which we can obtain preferential rates and responsive support.All systems Bluecode has built are delivered with extensive visualization and data use dashboards that help decision makers navigate through the mountains of data generated from their work each day. Our dashboards are user configurable and easy to use for decision makers while empowering the power users with more advanced analysis tools such direct query access and detailed data export features.Further, we believe the ultimate goal is a country level enterprise architecture that allows the seamless sharing of information and conforms to the country's E-health strategy vision (2017). In the interim, we have built both automated connections and manual between the systems we build and other existing programs and platforms including DHIS2, ELMIS, Census data, DATIM data.