Fight Club comes in 2 durations. 45 minutes, which is 9 rounds. 60 minutes, which is 12 rounds. Boxing Bootcamp - 9 Round Circuit, rotating from Bags, Tread, & Bench.Fight Club - 9 Rounds: 4 Bags, 2 Skills, 2 Bench, & 1 MeditationTone & Strength - Bodyweight movements, which focus on injury prevention, a little more Metcon, a little more insanity, and most importantly a lot of fun. Bags, Curved non-motorized TechnoGym Skillmils (Skills), and Bodywork are the three main pillars of the workout. The indoor cycling also is known as spin (It isn't your 1980, 90s, or 00s spin class) class experience that comes second to none!45, 60 or 90 minutes of rhythmic based cycling with full-body movements that work your legs, core, and arms, basically full body.Two sets of arms, sometimes more, never less. A true endurance HIIT indoor cycling class. Two Levels - Advanced Only & All-Levels.