Joseph Grillo, M.D. Medical Legal-Consulting provides medical support consulting services nationwide by a licensed, board-certified and experienced physician – to medical malpractice, personal injury and other attorneys throughout the various stages of litigation.You can view the company video at: Grillo, M.D. is a licensed, board-certified and experienced physician and a third-year law student.The typical client consultation begins with examining medical records and writing a well-annotated report specific to the case. At times, I have been asked to give a deposition and testify at trial. Other times, I work "behind the scenes" where my work is non-discoverable. A core part of the work involves understanding the medical benchmarks and identifying deviations from the norms. Overview of Services:- consulting services to the legal community for medically related cases.- comprehensive case analysis with detailed, comprehensible reports.- I work alongside my clients and assist them in fully developing their medically related cases.- a non-biased third-party perspective.- advanced medical insights distilled into a readable customized work product.- Project management – I can map out a chronologic path and keep your case moving along efficiently.- I sift through all the clinical data and objectively access the validity and value of your case- Objectively evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the medical facts, and fill in the blanks by providing accurate inferences.- Anticipate opposing counsel's theories and build medical fact evidence to oppose their theories.- Identify all liability – pinpoint all breaches in the standard of care.If your case involves medical negligence, consider hiring a medical doctor! There are advantages to hiring a highly trained doctor who also has legal training as your medical-legal consultant.References and sample work-product available on request.