Gain Cap is an established SME Finance lender. We focus on two areas of the business eco-system, improving the operations of an existing business and growth opportunities. Leveraging the existing business receivables, assets, and other stakes in the business, we partner with our clients to initiate turn-around's and growth projects by creating credit facilities that have a direct line to scalable capital.Our management team is among the most diverse and impressive in the corporate lending industry, including veterans from top investment banks that were key stakeholders in engineering M&A deals within the food & beverage, energy, telecom, and consumer goods industries.We serve clients who have complex, time-sensitive needs and require a customized, hassle-free solution from a reliable partner. With $42 billion of financing at our disposal, we provide a full range of structured financing solutions on a direct basis through our Corporate Finance and Real Estate Finance Group. For more information about our existing solution contact our team at (212) 372-7157 or email us at