Kelle Koltukta was founded in 2006. Friends which were going to the same high school started to visualise their projects, and scripts. They got bigger as they met more friends in college. Ideas turned into scenarios, scenarios turned into short movies. The documentaries, short movies, and videos were sent to both national and international festivals. Productions which were sent started to get screening in festivals, the productions started to pass the qualifications and started to be contestant films. As time went on more and more people were acquainted , experiences were shared, and as a result of this process in 2009, Kelle Koltukta became a brand. In 2010 "Kelle Koltukta Manifesto" which included the expectations from the next 10 years was published, also in the same year the "Kelle Koltukta Kreatif" project was started.All these time Kelle Kolukta was never far from its environment, with its many activities Kelle Koltukta has brought joy and life to its environment and because of this, Kelle Koltukta always got positive feedback.With our best regards.Kelle Koltukta.