Studies conclude that "people problems" – whether breakdowns with leadership, motivation, or getting along – are the "biggest reason (by far) for the high failure rate of high-potential startups". That challenge is only increasing with more staff working remotely and teams working ever faster to meet launch-window targets. It's become commonplace for investors and incubators to perform conflict resolution and "founder therapy".Some of what we do with organizations does amount to conflict resolution. But we've also found that by offering a few solid cultural norms and curating a few team-building opportunities, as well as supporting executives directly with their effectiveness, a lot of problems can be prevented before they occur. Outcomes of working with us include:• Greater coherence and trust among team members• Leaders having greater confidence in themselves as leaders• Contributors having greater confidence in the leadership team• Greater ability to prevent problems before they arise• Greater ability to turn tensions into opportunities• Greater clarity on what's important to do• Reaching alignment faster• Retaining talent longer• Having more fun