Joshua Atkinson

Chief Operating Officer at Village Book Builders - Green Bay, WI, US

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Village Book Builders
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Village Book Builders

Green Bay, WI, US • 20 - 49 Employees

In 2015 we wanted to give back to our beloved Mexico. When we talked to local leaders we were shocked to see that village schools did not have access to good books or educational resources. When we built our first library in Atexcac Mexico the open house was attended by leaders from near by villages who pleaded with us to be able to use the library in Atexcac. We found this scenario is true in every developing country. From this we decided to dedicate ourselves to building up villages around the world through books. Since then we have built libraries in Mexico, Peru, Belize, Nepal, Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda.To Accomplish this we take volunteers on expeditions where they get a life changing experience and make a lasting impact on the community. We set up Mentor Programs to connect people all across the world with the students in these communities to encourage and help them increase their educations, and we send individuals to stay in these areas to help educate the communities on how to utilize the resources they have. Come join us on our next expedition, as a mentor, or as an in person, long term support to these communities and make a lasting difference this year!

Details about Village Book Builders
Frequently Asked Questions about Joshua Atkinson
Joshua Atkinson currently works for Village Book Builders.
Joshua Atkinson's role at Village Book Builders is Chief Operating Officer.
Joshua Atkinson's email address is *** To view Joshua Atkinson's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Joshua Atkinson works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Joshua Atkinson's colleagues at Village Book Builders are Seeun Jeon, Angela Halliday, Ivy Gray, Bhavy Goel, Mayra Londono, Victor Carbone, Christopher Sitolo and others.
Joshua Atkinson's phone number is N/A
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