We engage the community, form partnerships, and develop programs that create a connected, prosperous, and resilient neighborhood. We set goals and implement initiatives where people, planet, and profit are considered equally. We do this in a way which create replicable models so that other communities may learn and benefit from our successes. We prioritize projects which address transportation, waste prevention, and energy efficiency through a lens of social equity and well-being. Our current projects are:District Level Utility Tracking: By monitoring data, we can see how effectively energy efficiency projects are helping the district reach its energy use reduction goals.LED Advantage Member Program (LAMP): LAMP delivers high quality LED retrofits throughout Portland. The program has unique social benefits as a portion of the proceeds support housing and sustainability projects.Lloyd EcoDistrict Action Forum (LEAF): Our main business stakeholder group where participants can share best practices and develop energy efficiency and waste prevention projects.Livable Lloyd: A group where the residential community comes together to focus on projects and issues that are important to the people who are living in the neighborhood. Lloyd Delivers: A partnership with Portland Pedal Power (a local bike-powered food delivery company) that promotes upstream and downstream solutions to food waste and hunger.Pollinator Placemaking: The creation of pollinator spaces helps to counteract the heat island effect, remove pollutants from the air, and are critical to our natural environment, food supply, and health.Intersection Repair Murals: We bring together members of the community to create something beautiful in the neighborhood for all to enjoy. Houselessness: Right 2 Dream Too (R2DToo) is a rest area that serves the houseless on a temporary basis. Our "Recharge the Rest Area" campaign is raising money so R2DToo can keep the houseless community safe during the COVID19.