Laptop Upcycle, a nonprofit organization, believes that all public school students should have access to the tools they need to learn—regardless of family income. Our mission: to eliminate technology impediments that widen the achievement gap. 100% of every donation goes to laptops for kids. We collect PCs, Macs, Chromebooks, etc., and wipe them 100% clean, refresh, and distribute them to students who do not have home computers but need such technology to succeed in school. As an organization of volunteers, we are committed to a simple GIVE and GET formula:- GIVE: Donate older, unneeded laptops. Laptop Upcycle securely erases all hard drives and provides donors with a tax-deductible receipt. - GET: Distribute laptops, with WIFI, to high school and middle school students in need, so that they can meet digital classroom requirements.Your older model may be the technology bridge that helps a student succeed. Laptop Upcycle welcomes new and used laptops and equipment, as well as monetary donations, from individuals, civic groups, corporations or anyone with a working laptop languishing in a closet or beneath a bed. Laptop Upcycle is a division of HackNCraftNJ, Inc., a 501(c)3. For more information, please visit or email