At Alive Market, we source only the highest quality and organic ingredients. Alive Market is bringing it all back to the roots. With all natural and all organic plant-based therapeutics, Alive Market will provide individuals with safe and healthy products that have resounding medicinal effects. Alive Market believes in alternative and holistic approaches to enhance any lifestyle. In addition to becoming America's premier producer of organic hemp and essential oil products, Alive Market also prioritizes educational outreach. Our products are 100% guaranteed pesticide and GMO-free. We lab test our hemp based CBD products for potency, pesticides, microbial counts, metals, and residuals. The living soil practices used on the hemp strains are natural, regenerative and sustainable. Our CBD oil is never derived from the stalks of industrial hemp, but rather the flowering buds on American grown hemp strains, resulting in the highest quality product. The hemp strains are then processed into a distillate oil and then mixed with organic MCT Coconut Oil. All of the cannabinoids, terpenes, vitamins and minerals remain in the products. making a full spectrum CBD oil with synergistic effects. Our pure essential oils are therapeutic-grade, organic and Vegan certified. These natural, plant-based terpenes have enormous beneficial affects including relaxing, energizing, immune support, and overall mood enhancement !For every family and lifestyle, our wellness products provide harmony between the mind, body and the environment in order to create a well rounded experience for all. When you shop at Alive Market you are supporting clean agriculture farming!