Coins for College allows students to earn micro-scholarships throughout their K-12 journey to cover part or all of their future college tuition. Students earn Scholarship Coins and Tuition Coins (see our website for more info) for academic and social accomplishments on the Coins For College platform, including daily attendance, enrichment outside the classroom, taking assessments, and connecting with non-profit partnerships (to provide community service and receive wrap-around services). The overwhelming percentage of micro-scholarships come from performing well on the platform's assessments. These assessments are created by educators around the country. Educators are compensated for every valid question they submit to our platform with Tuition Coins. Tuition Coins are similar to Bitcoins, in that they can greatly increase in value. Tuition Coins were designed to be tax-free donations to non-profits by corporations, philanthropists, friends, and family. The local non-profits provide the necessary and varied support students need to ensure they stay on course from Kindergarten all the way to college. The non-profit partnerships allow us to fulfill our goal of giving all students a tangible vision of college by preparing them mentally, academically, and financially for the college of their choice. When philanthropists, corporations, friends, and family purchase Tuition Coins as a gift to students or for their own personal portfolio, they are investing in educators, students, and the future workforce. Tuition Coins are profitable by nature, but altruistic by default. Learn more at