Founded in 2008, ETM-Bay Area is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes and supports music instruction in schools serving disadvantaged areas in order to enhance students' academic performance and general development. It is the 2nd affiliate organization to be based on the ETM® model, which has been operating in New York since 1991 and in Los Angeles since 2006. At ETM-Bay Area, we believe that every child deserves a well-rounded education: one that includes music. Unfortunately, many schools, especially those serving children in low-income communities, provide no music instruction or rely solely on short-term programs that do not serve every student. ETM-Bay Area utilizes a comprehensive program that incorporates music into the education of every child, including those with special needs.ETM-Bay Area uses music to improve education by supporting student learning in music and strengthening student learning ability in all content areas. We ensure high-quality instruction by hiring qualified teaching artists, providing ongoing training and structured mentoring, and performing regular program assessments. We encourage academic teachers and teaching artists to collaborate so that music can reinforce learning and development in all areas, and we help schools embrace music as a core subject by involving all members of the school community.