Statistics Canada provides some daunting information on special needs: In 2006, 14.3% of Canadians had a disability. In 2001: 180,930 Canadian children between the ages of 0-14 had a diagnosed disability. In 2006: 202,350 children in the same age group were diagnosed with a disability. This is an increase of 11.8% in five years. Frightening, isn't it? Now, take a moment and extrapolate these results on a worldwide basis over the next ten years - a phenomenon that is increasing at an alarming rate without any formal structure for the dissemination of information that could lead to educated choices and improve the quality of life for both adults and children with special needs. Empowerment – A Special Needs Network has been created to fulfill this void in the market. Empowerment is about knowledge, support and educated choices for individuals with special needs, their caretakers and families, as well as product/service providers in this field. Empowerment provides leading-edge information and a support group that connect members via a website ( and a growing community on a Facebook Fan Page and on Twitter (WeWillEmpowerU). Empowerment . . .your partner in the special needs field. Empowerment . Knowledge . Support . Educated Choices