"We at Beamfit™ strive to bring an experience to people that shows them, through participation in Beaming™, how to integrate physical fitness with emotional harmony so they can embrace a more realistic and healthy viewpoint of what it means to be fit, balanced, centered and productive." Founded by International Fitness Personality, David Mesirow, Beamfit is the parent company through which he developed Beaming™...a NEW and innovative approach to exercise that goes beyond total body training as it is a Whole Body, mentally invigorating, core-based training "EXPERIENCE" rather than just another workout! You'll definitely get the physical benefits from the activity of Beaming™ ---toned, firm muscles and a stronger core, improved balance, flexibility, posture and overall improvement in stature and appearance. Beaming™ will leave you feeling refreshed, renewed and inspired…BEAMING from within. Our goal is that through Beaming™, every person will have a richer, more fulfilling life experience: ……..every day, ……..every hour, ……..every minute