Education Mutual was founded by like-minded education professionals disillusioned with increasing premiums and a decreasing service. A mutual isn't a new concept, they've been around for centuries but in Today's climate they offer a stable, trusted alternative to traditional insurance.Mutuals do not have to make money for investors or shareholders. Education Mutual is owned by its members - schools, colleges and nurseries, all education providers, with the purpose of keeping more of the budget within Education. Education Mutual is operated solely for the benefit of the members with all members paying a contribution to the mutual which is used to pay claims. Members can attend Annual General Meetings and vote on important issues such as who is elected to the board, cover improvements and contribution levels.The mutual board makes key decisions such as what to do with any surplus after payment of claims and administration costs. These will include;Refunds to MembersReductions in ContributionsCover EnhancementsMember GrantsMember Training EventsEducation Mutual. By schools, for schools.