MISSIONWe accept from God the call to reach out to people with unmet needs, to nurture in them a conviction of God's love that they may recognize their own gifts in and through the limitations and pain.VISIONAs we, the Notre Dame Sisters, continue to respond to the call of Christ, we commit ourselves to building a world Christian community of love and support for each person by meeting unmet needs. In the spirit of Christ and our founders, we will alleviate the pains of alienation and eradicate its causes by enabling persons to be reconciled to God, themselves and others through a lifestyle of prayer, simplicity, hospitality, service and risk.CHARISMWe, the Notre Dame Sisters, are called to be women of faith and prayer, Living like Mary in dependence on God. Rooted in community, we are sent to share our gifts in joyful, loving service to others.