Scipio Bioscience, a Paris-based biotechnology company, provides novel sample preparation solutions for single-cell studies in the form of easy-to-use benchtop kits and intuitive, cloud-based software. Scipio Bioscience exploits a proprietary technology for barcoding for preparation of samples for single-cell profiling. The initial target of Scipio Bioscience is to provide sample preparation for single-cell transcriptomics freed of the substantial investment and running costs of existing technologies, while attaining the flexibility and scalability required in state-of-the-art research. The blooming applications in single-cell transcriptomics have revealed the importance of characterizing the diversity of cell profiles in normal tissues and cancerous tumors. For optimal results, numbers of cells in the range of thousands must be analyzed simultaneously by RNA-sequencing procedures. The costs and constraints of available methods for sample preparation have hampered widespread adoption of this approach. Scipio Bioscience overcomes these obstacles by providing a test-tube solution readily accessible to laboratories in all fields of biological research. The first outcome of this technology was the commercial release of the Asteria© Single-cell RNA-seq Kit and its companion data analysis software Cytonaut© in May 2022. Able to analyze 10,000 input cells in a single-tube, the kit bypasses the use of microfluidics or plate in favor of a simple, accessible protocol that is easier on cells and enables a stable stopping point 2 hours in. The resulting sequencing data can be analyzed with Cytonaut, a cloud-based software that covers the entire 3' scRNA-seq data analysis chain and emphasizes on the ease-of-use for biologists and bioinformaticians alike.Scipio bioscience is housed in the Paris Santé Cochin incubator, located in the celebrated Parisian Cochin Hospital.