M/studio was born in 2019 and is formed by Arch. Andrea Sforzin and Arch. Fabrizio Giannachi.M/studio is an architecture firm focused on every scale of designing, from the interior renovation to the urban development, always seeking the more affordable and sustainable idea, in order to use our technical skills to improve the way of living, both in the houses and in the cities. We mostly work on international architectural competition and housing project.-Andrea Sforzin, born in 1988, graduated from the University of Udine after carrying out his thesis at the Hochschule RheinMain in Wiesbaden, collaborated, in order, with the following studies: Guillermo Vazquez Consuegra (Seville, ES) (2015) , WE Architecture (Copenaghen, DK) (2016), Piuarch and Archea Associati (Milan, Florence, IT) (2017-2019);-Fabrizio Giannachi, born in 1992, graduated from the University of Genoa, participated in some design projects of the department, including the rearrangement of the Imperial Forums in Rome and the reuse of historic buildings in the city of Genoa; he also developed studies regarding rapid prototyping with 3D printing through the use of several plastic polymers, and from 2017 to September 2019 he collaborated with the Archea Associati studio as an architect.