VI Fund Management was set up to allow investors and clients to benefit from long-term ownership of great public-listed stocks by utilising the firm's research-driven and systematic stock selection process that we have refined over the years.Our philosophy is to invest in visionary entrepreneurs who are prudent capital allocators serious about building sustainable businesses for the long term, while avoiding businesses marred by aggressive accounting practices which resulted in permanent loss of capital to many portfolios.We stay ahead by being lean and nimble with our processes while leveraging on automation, data-driven statistical machine learning, financial and non-financial analytics, and well-researched recommendations as we rigorously back test every portfolio strategy we craft by as long as twenty years.As a wholly owned subsidiary of 8I Holdings Limited (ASX: 8IH), our series of funds is also home to our Group's surplus capital. This is purposefully done to strengthen our resolve and align our interest, allowing us to compound capital alongside our investors with ‘skin in the game.'When we do well, our investors do well too. But if we don't, we bear the larger consequences should the portfolios produce sub-par returns. This motivates us to continually fine-tune our stock selection and portfolio allocation framework to ensure every strategy we craft stays dynamic and evolves as the businesses in our portfolio do.VI Fund Management, an entity registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), aims to grow our investors' wealth through a systematic selection and investment process proven to compound wealth for our investors over time.We exist to grow and elevate our clients' and our wealth sustainably.