Red Wings is a blood donor's community to help the needy people in case of urgency irrespective of their religion, caste, city, state & country. We inspire people to join this movement to serve the noble cause. Humanity First is our tagline which inspires people to be a kind-hearted. We need not think about special reasons to give blood rather as humanity demands we must involve in this humble job. Few of us give blood because we were asked by an organisation or an NGO. Some know that a family member or a friend may be in need of blood someday. Others give it a tag of charity and still other treat it as a religious duty. Irrespective of the reason it is an important job for the society. Donations - the only way of obtaining blood. In the presence of medical and technological advances it is wrongly thought that blood can currently be made but the reality is contrary and the only source is blood donation preserved in blood banks. In developed countries donors are volunteers who donate for their community and whereas in developing countries people donate only when their family and friends need it. Some of donors have fear of needle that's why they faint otherwise donating is very safe. The prospective donors are being checked that there blood is safe for use.Specialist medical staffs are available at all times during the donation drive in the safe and painless procedure. There is no risk for donors irrespective of the age factor.