Wela Nutraceuticals is a retail/wholesale distributor of 100% Organic Pharmaceutical Grade, PCR "phytocannabinoid rich" Full Spectrum CBD "cannabidiol" products. All our products are 100% THC FREE and legal in all 50 states in the U.S. The CBD boom is here! Medical, Holistic & Sports practitioners are already using & selling CBD at their locations. Want to learn more about adding CBD products to your business? Contact our sales department at Info@WeAreWela.com Wela Nutraceuticals Product Line-Up Raw PCR Tinctures 250MG - 500MG - 750MG - 1000MG - 1500MGSoftgels - CurCumin Softgels 750MG Pet Chews 250MGSlow Release Patches "chronic pain - all day relief""don't see what you're looking for? Just ask"