Baltimore Area - Senior Manager of Prevention Programs & Technology Innovation Initiatives at La Clinica Del Pueblo - Washington, DC, US
La Clínica del Pueblo is a community-based health center committed to delivering the highest quality, culturally appropriate, and patient-centered health services. La Clínica is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) founded in 1983 to meet the emergent health needs of the Latinx immigrant community in the DC, VA and MD area. Our mission is to build a healthy Latino community through culturally appropriate health services, focusing on those most in need. "La Clínica is caring. It was created by and for the people. It is familiar with the culture of the people it serves. The staff is invested in their patients. They develop a bond with every patient." Susana, La Clínica patient.La Clínica del Pueblo provides primary care, mental health services and wrap around services to nearly 5,000 individuals at our two health clinics, and touches more than 70,000 people through our culturally and linguistically appropriate services, such as:- School-based mental health services program providing supports for 180 newcomers with a 100% high school graduation rate;- Safe space and care for young Latinx LGBTQ adults;- Supports program for Latina survivors of gender-based violence;- Only bilingual outpatient substance use program for Latinxs;- Medical interpretation across health centers and hospitals ensuring individuals can receive care in their preferred language;- HIV/AIDS prevention, screening and testing ensuring navigation and linkages to medical care and social services;- Support services including insurance enrollment and case management - Health education and promotion across our communities with focus on prevention of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity.- Advocacy towards increasing health access and health equity for the Latinx immigrant community and ensuring a more just and inclusive health system