Medical Physicist at Centro Nacional de Dosimetría - Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain
Jefe de Sección del Laboratorio de MetrologÃa de Radiaciones Ionizantes
National Center of Dosimetry (Centro Nacional de Dosimetría, CND) is a public entity dependent on the National Institute of Health Management (INGESA) of the Spanish Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare (MSCBD). CND is the largest external Personal Dosimetry Service in Spain, and one of the largest in Europe in volume of monthly readings. It is authorized for that purpose by the Nuclear Safety Council (CSN). In recent years, CND have participated in various national and European intercomparing programs, obtaining excellent results in all of them.It has an Ionizing Metrology Laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Company (ENAC) to carry out calibrations in the area of ionizing radiation and radioactivity. CND has been authorized by the CSN to act as a Radiological Protection Technical Unit in radiodiagnostic facilities. It also has a Training department for promoting the education in the field of Radiological Protection.