ANABIOL is a laboratory specialized in microbiological and physical-chemical analysis that offers analytical services, advice and training in Food Safety to companies in the agro-food, environment, water treatment, cosmetics and other related sectors, integrated with a total quality GMS department.It belongs together Reactiva Laboratorio to Groupe CARSO, leader in services and provides wide range of analysis in the main markets of health and the environment, food, energy, mines, genetics and forensic medicine.Calidad, precisión e innovación analítica al servicio de la industria agro alimentaria y medioambiental.Laboratorio especializado en Microbiología, Seguridad Alimentaria, que ofrece servicios analíticos Físico-químicos y de asesoría en APPCC.Expertos en análisis de todo tipo de alimentos y aguas (residuales, consumo, proceso), con un amplio alcance de acreditación ENAC bajo UNE-EN-ISO 17.025