In the most recent decades, the Lord's Church has suffered many attacks which left society lacking the faith, trust, and confidence in it. At New Harvest Temple, our vision is to "Bring the Ark of the Covenant back to its rightful place" and "Every Believer Becomes a Witness". This will indeed provide a holistic ministry that restores, empowers, and establishes the TOTAL MAN (mind, body & soul). New Harvest Temple is a true haven of deliverance and healing that is bringing many people to Christ from all backgrounds. We are preparing for the greater harvest in the Lord's Church. We stand firm on our mission to further build the kingdom of God, and allow Jesus Christ to manifest His glory through us to a dying world. The church is the body of Christ, a people who have been set apart from the world to worship God, and sent back into the world to witness to all who will believe in saving power of Jesus Christ. We are a holy and distinct people of God, and have been given the challenge to be the channels used by Jesus Christ, to fulfill Him in function here on earth. (Acts 1:8) Overseer L. Andre Person, Sr. - PastorElect-Lady Shelby D. Person