At CEG Advisory, we understand that today's healthcare leaders face cost pressures and a constantly changing regulatory environment unlike anything that has come before. Changes in Medicare and Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, the drive to ACOs and many other factors have combined to make your job more important and more challenging, placing IT squarely in the middle the modern healthcare enterprise. An effective electronic medical records (EMR) system enables you to: • Track data over time• Enhance the clinical care you offer your patients over time• Monitor how your patients measure up to certain parameters, such as vaccinations and blood pressure readings• Improve overall quality of care in a practice• And squeeze cost savings out of every corner of the operation With more than 20 years in the Healthcare IT industry, CEG Advisory understands these challenges, and offers unmatched experience and a dedication to excellence to help you meet and exceed expectations. Our healthcare professionals have deep domain knowledge and operational capabilities—averaging 20 years experience—and many have clinical operations backgrounds along with deep knowledge of EMR and CPOE implementations.