Director of Industry Collaboration Department at USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry - Shanghai, N/A, CN
上海交通大学"上海交大-南加州大学文化创意产业学院"(文创学院)由上海交通大学与南加州大学联合建立,是社会各界支持下成立的文化创意产业领域国际化办学试验区。 文化先行,创意争锋。地处我国经济和金融中心的上海交通大学,过去121年中始终以振兴国家和民族为己任,培养出一大批治国英才、科学大师、产业巨子和文化精英,为国家的经济、科技、文化以及人类健康事业做出了卓越贡献。文化艺术大师李叔同、好莱坞华裔影星卢燕、戏剧家洪深、画坛宗师朱屺瞻等都是交大的著名校友,这些也恰恰说明了交大与文化创意产业悠久的历史和发展渊源。南加州大学坐落在世界文化之都洛杉矶,多年来在影视、管理、艺术、传媒等文化创意领域精英荟萃,奇才辈出,享有极高的国际声誉。两校在以往十几年良好密切的合作基础上,强强联合,诚意互通,于2015年正式成立了具有里程碑意义的文化创意产业学院。作为学校国际化战略的重要组成部分和国际化办学试验区,根据产业价值链的分类和市场需求整合全球资源,以创新创意创业为核心,面向市场和产业需求,培养具有创意精神、创新思想的复合型产业领袖人才,并开展相关科学研究,提供高端咨询服务等。 USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI) is jointly established by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and University of Southern California (USC). With supports from all aspects of the society, ICCI aims to develop itself into a pilot of international collaboration in the field of cultural and creative industry. Founded in 2015, ICCI is the outcome of the strong partnership between USC and SJTU that was forged more than a decade ago. ICCI serves as a significant part of the global strategy of SJTU as well as a pilot of higher education reform and innovation. Taking creation, innovation, and entrepreneurship as its core, ICCI is designed to foster interdisciplinary future industry leaders with creative spirit and thoughts that meet the needs of market and industry.