Assistant Vice President - Exec. Management Department and Executive Asst. to the President
OUR PHILOSOPHYWe, of Fortune Life Insurance Company, Inc., are in the insurance business in the belief that people will continue to feel the need to share financial risk. We will seek all means to fill this need, which recognizes individual circumstances. As an insurance company, our ultimate responsibility is to our policyholders. We are sustained by continuing service to the special needs of each policyholder, prudent investment of funds entrusted to us, and maintaining efficient operations. We are discharged by payment of proceeds as benefits to our policyholders and their beneficiaries.OUR MISSION AND VISIONFortune Life will continue to be the company of choice for customers, agents and employees.We delightfully and exceedingly satisfy our customers' needs.We provide professional agents with markets, as well as innovative and affordable products that give superior, timely and sustainable compensation.We are a company where employees feel that they are important and trusted, and where they can truly contribute.We set the trend for innovative, tailor-fitted products for our clients.OUR CORE VALUESHonesty and IntegrityCustomer-CenterednessPassion for ExcellenceSense of Wonder and InnovativenessProfessionalism, Responsibility and AccountabilityTeamwork