We are standing at a great inflection point in history - the beginning of the Age of Free Energy: the age when our buildings and cars effectively power themselves.This is not a far-fetched dream, but the historical convergence of: - technologies for pollution-free and cost-free energy, - possible climatological need, - rapidly growing "Green Bond" and PACE financing, and - widespread interest in alternative energy and energy conservation.5 key technologies are involved for Net Zero that together can provide all of the energy needed by any building: PV (solar), GHP (geothermal heating and cooling, thermal batteries), EE (energy efficiency), sometimes Wind, and sometimes Electric Batteries. Each of these technologies will reduce a building's energy cost, and combining them can bring any building's annual energy cost to $0.This historic convergence of factors gives us the unique opportunity to make a rapid start toward Net Zero. Reaching the ultimate goal of all our buildings and cars powering themselves will not happen overnight. It will take 1-2 generations to fully implement. But, we very realistically could get 25% of our homes and businesses moving toward Net Zero within 5 years. It is just a question of willpower.Win-Win-Win!Net Zero can usher in a truly historic win-win-win for us all. The home or building owner wins with lower or no energy bills. All our communities win with more Clean Energy jobs. We all win with the reduction of pollution and the elimination of climate risk. And, we all win because the current outflow of funds for energy from all our communities will have stopped and our economy will thrive.Net Zero Foundation is the source of information and leadership toward the goal of a Net Zero Economy. We at Net Zero Foundation are engineers, contractors, scientists, homeowners, and educators who are directly involved with the Net Zero Technologies -- a voice you can really trust!