Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist
Action Therapy: Keeping you independent for as long as possible. Our company is the pioneering developer of Fusion Therapy, a customized combination of the most effective Eastern and Western therapeutic medicine. We evaluate a patient from all angles through the utilizing Acupuncture, Acupressure Massage, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy; designing a specialized treatment plan both immediately target the pain as well as heal it's root cause. Don't wait, Take Action today!In 2019, Action Therapy has upgraded Fusion Therapy with Brain Guard. Brain Guard, in conjunction with Fusion Therapy, is the only clinically proven treatment plan that has been shown to both reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and delay its onset. In addition, this combination of Therapy and mental training increases your brain's cognitive and memory performance significantly, which we can all benefit from no matter the case.