The Academy of Neurologic Music Therapy is a 501 (c) 3 organization whose mission is to disseminate, advance, and protect the practice of NMT worldwide. To this end, the Academy disseminates information about the evidence-based practice of NMT, and provides opportunities for continuing education in NMT that ensure best practice in the field. Individuals who successfully complete institutes and fellowships provided through the Academy become affiliates of the Academy, and are placed on an Academy Affiliate Roster that is available to the public for purposes of identifying professionals who are committed to maintaining the highest standards of practice in NMT. The Academy Affiliate Roster is international in scope, not only including clinicians and academicians in music therapy, but also other practitioners who have successfully completed NMT institutes/fellowships and are committed to promulgating best practice in NMT. The ultimate goal of the Academy is to maintain the integrity of best practice in NMT, and thus protect consumers of NMT and the public in general.