Time is the major consideration for most small business owners. Having the time to run their own business successfully means having to know the exact financial position of that business at any given time. If you concentrate on sales and neglect the books, it could mean financial disaster because you have no idea as to how the business is travelling financially. If you consistently manage the books, you have less time to focus on the sales side! Additionally, it becomes hard to sell to a customer in the morning, and then put on your collections hat in the afternoon to get your customers to pay outstanding invoices!This is where JPAP Bookkeeping can help. We manage the business books, issue payslips to your employees, send invoices and monthly statements to your customers and follow up on outstanding debts when required leaving you, the business owner, to concentrate on what you are best at - sales generation! We can offer the whole package or just a few selected options - the choice is yours. With competitive rates and years of experience, JPAP Bookkeeping offers the bookkeeping and ledger management solutions that are right for your business.