Sweesh is a push messaging campaign tool for WhatsApp and Telegram that enables businesses to send and track messages to customers at scale. Campaigns can include messages such as, notifications, announcements, reminders, rich content, and WhatsApp approved marketing messages. This enables brands to increase their ability to connect with a targeted audience, higher probability of achieving communication goals and personalised consumer experiences. We've designed Sweesh for Marketing teams wishing to push WhatsApp campaigns to customers, and communication teams wanting to communicate with non-email employees, students or members.Whether you're sending 100 messages or 100 thousand—Sweeshdelivers.- Drive more traffic to your website, social media, app, store, in-store from WhatsApp- Send notifications about outages, covid updates, onboarding and more- Take advantage of WhatsApp Marketing to drive conversion and ROI- Create, Schedule & Measure campaigns and push it across multiple messaging channels from one easy-to-use tool* Get an overview of all of your messaging channels and monitor your promotional and proactive messaging campaigns.* View upcoming scheduled message content, map out campaigns, fill content gaps, and collaborate in real-time.* Save time and stay top of mind by scheduling your messages in advance across messaging channels on WA, TG, and Others. Schedule multiple message campaigns simultaneously to different contact lists.* Import unlimited contacts and create custom and segmented lists to reach your target markets* Opt-in management helps you manage opt-ins conveniently before and after each message campaign is sent. Campaign manager automatically prevents sending to opted out contacts.* Gain an instant overview of thousands of messages in real time. Drill down per contact, contact list, messaging app, and more. * Analyze your performance across all your messaging channels and create export reports