Six Sigma SaaS platform Open Orbit re-engineers the way process improvement (PI) is delivered, taking the enterprise to PI 2.0. It dramatically increases effectiveness as well as efficiency of the investments in process improvement. Open Orbit turns up the knob on all the dimensions of a transformation project by applying Lean Six Sigma to project definition, process modelling, measurement, root cause analysis, solution hypothesis and benefits tracking. It provides an active workbench that reduces the effort and time required to get results, a live and context-sensitive knowledge base of insights and best practices, and a connected community forum to drive sustained benefits and engagement. It is the thinking place of choice that the practitioner turns to, so it naturally becomes the system of record for improvement projects. It enables Agile and Anytime governance at project as well as process level, accessible organisational memory, and standardisation of approach, without having to mandate usage from the top. Instead of depending on adoption driven from the top, it entices the Lean Six Sigma practitioner directly by making their job easier as well as more effective.