Good Juju Ink is not your average greeting card company. We're a tribe of storytellers. Dream-weavers. Belly-laughers. (Discreet) Nose-pickers. Envelope–pushers (see what we did there). Risk-takers. And, most importantly, champions of making an effort.Started as a means to encourage thoughtful, inspired dialogue in an age of shorthanded digital convenience, Good Juju Ink believes we can change the world one perfectly imperfect illustration at a time. Through an aesthetic lens that is both wildly raw and wholly enchanting, our hand drawn works aspire to awaken that wonder-struck, impossibly hopeful, and joyously irreverent child within us all.Good Juju Ink is based in the original city of love, San Francisco, where it seeks to touch anyone with a sense of humor and an appreciation for the tender absurdity of this thing we call life. (Oh, and in case you were wondering, Elephants hold the secrets to the universe.)