CMMCP was created by the Massachusetts State Legislature in 1973, and currently consists of 41 cities and towns in Central Massachusetts, from both Worcester and Middlesex Counties, covering about 725 square miles. We offer a full service, year-round program of mosquito control to our member city and town residents.MISSION STATEMENT: The objective of the Project is to attain an efficient, economic mosquito control operation which will provide the best results possible and be consistent with all ecological aspects and the best interests of the member towns.Our goal is to reduce mosquito exposure to the public, and the potential for disease transmission by mosquitoes, by utilizing proven, sound mosquito control techniques. CMMCP believes the best way to accomplish this task is by practicing an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach as it relates to mosquito control in Massachusetts. IPM utilizes a variety of control techniques and evaluation procedures. Control efforts are undertaken only after surveillance data has been collected and analyzed. Training, experience and common sense dictate our response in any given situation.It is our desire and responsibility for this Project to have the best mosquito control for the communities that we serve.