Through education and advocacy, Green Foothills protects the hills, forests, farmland, creeks, wetlands and coast of San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.In 1962, a handful of people with a deep appreciation for the green hillsides of our region realized they would need to take action in order to save their beloved open space. These visionaries formed Committee for Green Foothills, and the organization took flight and quickly gained respect and influence.What We DoWe Deliver Real Environmental Victories Locally. We are a widely acknowledged leader in protecting the coast, hillsides, forests, streams, bay lands, and farmlands in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. We have real clout with decision-makers and ensure strong environmental policies are adhered to or strengthened, taking legal action when necessary.We Empower Community Members To Be Effective Advocates. We serve as the first line of defense for the last of our region's critical habitat and farmland, engaging in land use decisions in their earliest stages. We work with community members on priority issues, providing them with the skills and resources they need to be successful open space advocates.We Have a Vision for the Future. Given that we want to achieve longstanding victories, not just immediate successes, we have concrete goals for each of our areas of work. We vigilantly monitor local land use issues and take action when we have the opportunity to move closer to achieving meaningful victories. With a changing climate, predicted extreme weather events, and limits on our planet's natural resources, our consistent voice for healthy, working ecosystems may be our best investment in the future. Subscribe to updates at more about our Leadership Academy at