Julie Smith

Case Manager at Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center - Monroe, Michigan, United States

Julie Smith's Contact Details
(800) 747-4600
Dundee,Michigan,48131,United States
Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center
Julie Smith's Company Details
Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center logo, Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center contact details

Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center

Monroe, Michigan, United States • 17 Employees
Museums & Institutions

The Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center Monroe County Employment & Training Department (MCETD) is proud to offer the following programs at its location at 1531 N. Telegraph Road, Monroe, MI 48162:*Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope (PATH)*Employment Services*Workforce Investment Act (WIA) *Trade Program*Prisioner Re-Entry (PR)*Community Corrections*FAE&T (Food Assistance program for able-bodied adults without dependents)Our no cost One Stop Services are available to anyone. We offer workshops designed to sharpen your job search skills, such as resume writing and interviewing. Our credentialled staff is here to assist you in maximizing the effectiveness of your job search. At the MCETD, "Your success is our success." Open M-F 8-5.The Monroe Service Center also offers employer services to our business community at no cost. The Pure Michigan Talent Connect is a primary resource in this endeavor. www.mitalent.org.Equal Opportunity Program/Employer. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Monroe County TTY for the hearing impaired only: 734.240.7300. Michigan Relay Center callers use 711 or 1.800.649.3777. Supported by the State of Michigan and the Southeast Michigan Community Alliance.

Details about Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center
Frequently Asked Questions about Julie Smith
Julie Smith currently works for Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center.
Julie Smith's role at Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center is Case Manager.
Julie Smith's email address is ***@. To view Julie Smith's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Julie Smith works in the Museums & Institutions industry.
Julie Smith's colleagues at Michigan Works! Monroe Service Center are Laura Brayman, Jason Palmer, Stacey Goans, Robin Reagan and others.
Julie Smith's phone number is (800) 747-4600
See more information about Julie Smith