Northern Marianas College Work Study Administrative Assistant at Northern Marianas College - , MP, US
Program Coordinator - Office of Student Activities & Leadership
Students of the United States Commonwealth Northern Mariana Islands ofSaipan, Tinian and Rota seeking higher education do not have to look anyfurther than the Northern Marianas College in Saipan, Northern MarianaIslands.The college is a land grant institution that offers two-year academics ina variety of disciplines within the fields of: * Business * Language and Humanities * Education * Nursing * Natural Science and MathematicsTo fully prepare you for either gainful employment on the NorthernMariana Islands or to pursue higher education, the college offers awealth of professional development services. You can be on your way toimpressing potential employers by refining your employability skills orlearning how to create persuasive cover letters and resumes.To encourage students of the Northern Mariana Islands to pursue theirprofessional dreams, the college offers island residents discountedtuition. Students from tough financial backgrounds may receive fundingand college preparatory services through the Federal TRIO Upward Boundprogram.Students interested in applying must be at least 16 years old, hold ahigh school diploma and take the English as a Second Language andMathematics entrance exams. Additional admissions requirements includeimmunization records and a valid copy of photo identification.To be considered for NMC financial aid, students must file a FAFSA. Formsof aid include federal programs, as well as a wide variety of alternativeminority scholarship programs.