Bel Air Partners has as purpose to support decision-makers in their strategic and organisational reflections and arbitration, then to assist them in the implementation of these choices and options. Our team is made of seasoned consultants (with a cumulated experience of more than 200 major projects), joined by ad-hoc resources and expertises. Our mindset results in a true commitment within our clients‘ teams, dedicated to the lasting success of their projects. We have already intervened – or are ready to intervene – in the following sectors : - Banking (Securities, Asset Management, Corporate & Investment Banking, Private Banking, Retail Banking & Financial Services) - Finance and related institutions (Consumer Credit, Brokerage Firm, Management Company) - Insurance and social welfare (Brokerage Structure, Insurance Companies, Mutual Insurance Companies) - Industry & Services (Industrial Services, Aeronautics industry and Defence, Energy and Utilities, Transportation) We are able to provide our expertise and/or support more specifically on the following issues and challenges: - PMO, Management of complex projects, - Change Management, HR Consulting, Preparation and follow up of IRP files, - Review and optimisation of Front to Back processes, Operational excellence, - Post-Merger Integration, - Business Project Management (Product Owner, IS specification), - Strategy, Marketing and Business Strategy, Brand Strategy, - Business Models, - Design of products, solutions and service packages to optimise supply, - Market studies, Benchmarking - Internal control, Risk, Audit, banking regulation, - Training scheme and policy (Change Management, HR, Finance, Project Management/ PMO), - Coaching either at individual or at team level