Conservation Officer at Newark and Sherwood Homes - Newark and Sherwood, England, United Kingdom
Newark and Sherwood District Council - what do we do?Promoting tourism and looking after Newark CastleCollecting and recycling your waste, removing fly-tipping and abandoned carsLeisure centres, parks and play areas, Newark Palace Theatre and the National Civil War CentreEnsuring the planning system protects our environmentLicensing taxi drivers and other local businessesProtecting public health by inspecting restaurants and food outlets.Promoting good health for local residentsRehousing homeless people, funding new low-cost homes, providing housing benefit and a range of housing services.Developing the local economy and encouraging inward investmentPromoting good animal welfare and collecting stray dogsRegistering people to vote and organising electionsFunding local voluntary and community groups to do vital workFunding and organising a series of arts, cultural and sporting eventsPlus a whole lot more - including collecting council tax!