The Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile is a non-profit organization that supports the OpenStreetMap community in Chile and the rest of the world. The OpenStreetMap project, visible in, is the world mapping effort that includes over three million volunteers.We support the project in different ways, among them:– The foundation acts a legal entity for the OpenStreetMap comunity in our country, allowing us to celebrate agreements and other legal acts.– It provides a vehicle to raise funds that serve the project goals. The foundation can accept donations and allocate the funds in activities related with the OpenStreetMap project.– Organize annually the chilean version of the International Space Apps Challenge (a global NASA Hackathon), and every few years the State of the Map LatAm conference.– Coordinate volunteers to give talks and workshops in different open software and open data events both nationally and internationally.– Manage the website, the Talk-cl mailing list, the blog, the OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook page and the osmCL Twitter account.OpenStreetMap is an open initiative to create and provide open maps data to everyone that needs them.