Each year, 1 billion people have a new justice problem. More than half have a major or very serious impact on people's lives. Six problem categories account for two-thirds of the most impactful justice problems: family, employment, land, crime, neighbour issues and justice problems facing mSMEs. Close to 30% of problem owners do not even take action. Only 24% of problems are completely resolved (9% partly). There is some variation in resolution rates across countries, but no country offers a clear example of how to close this access to justice gap.Globally, this access to justice gap affects more people than some of the big diseases like malaria and tuberculosis. This has a high impact on their lives and society: from violence to seriously damaged relationships and business conflicts. It affects essential needs to be safe, to have a family, to earn a living, to plan, to be healthy, and to be a true community. Without fulfilling these needs, a country and its citizens cannot prosper.The Justice Accelerator is HiiL's flagship innovation programme that scouts, trains and scales a global cohort of justice startups each year. The Accelerator focuses on startups that have a sustainable business model and impact strategy that can scale across a country or internationally to prevent or resolve justice issues. The 6-month programme consists of €10k seed funding, intense training, coaching and mentorship and covers topics such as business development, lean analytics, impact measurement, leadership, team development, pitching and marketing. To apply to the Accelerator, 400+ innovators sign up each year to the Innovating Justice Challenge. Working together with our Hubs in Nairobi, Lagos, Kampala, Johannesburg, Tunis and Ukraine we scout and select regionally to build a global cohort of 10 -15 of the best startups from West, East and Southern Africa, MENA and Eastern Europe.