The Alternative Story aims to change the narrative – not only with regard to your individual story but also the larger narrative of counselling and mental health.We believe that in an unequal world being neutral is as good as siding with the dominant discourse – a narrative that makes anyone who does not fall in line feel that there is something wrong them.Counselling often attempts to help individuals fit into, or cope with these dominant discourses, the reasoning being that change the larger discourse is not within the purview of counselling.At The Alternative Story, we believe that mental health is sociopolitically located and that the larger context that produces mental ill-being or well-being cannot be ignored when it comes to counselling. We also believe that the biomedical approach isn't the only approach one can take to address the psychosocial well-being of our masses.We at The Alternative Story aim to provide affordable, accessible, and politically informed counselling services with a special focus on socioeconomically marginalized individuals.