Rhea Health provides industrial health services to some of the largest companies in the South Central US. We are a State of Oklahoma licensed facility conveniently located in western Oklahoma City near Interstate 40. Our Mission Helping employers control compliance costs and improve productivity by promoting worker safety and health. Health and safety, DOT and OSHA compliance serviceso Drug testingo Breath alcohol screens and confirmationso Pre-employment and DOT certification physicalso TPA and consortiumo Health promotion programso Vaccinations and health fairso Auditory and pulmonary testingo Mobile and on-site clinicso OSHA, DOT and performance trainingWe offer our clients these advantageso 24 hour serviceo Convenient location near I-40 on Council Roado On-site services at your company or other locationo Post-accident and suspicious behavior quick responseo Rarely a wait at our facilityo Partner with all major labs and TPAso Experienced Safety and Health Professionals